is a unique and profound experience in a couple's life. After thorough
reflection, many couples chose to approach the preparation of birth in
accordance to nature. In a society where chemicals and fast solutions
are becoming more to be the rule, this is a very noble and wise approach.
I have attended
to more than 2000 births over the past 14 years (and am still moved very
much by the miracle of life
). I am still amazed by the power and
control the women and their spouses display when giving birth. Although
I admired the tolerance to pain my patients showed, I couldn't help but
wonder: "Is there a better way to do this? Is there a tool we overlooked
in helping couples who chose a natural childbirth?" Then the answer
came to me, like all those times when you ask a sincere question and the
answer is given to you when you least expect it: HYPNOSIS.
Some people
might be reluctant and say: "I don't want to be a zombie when giving birth." This is far from the truth. Giving birth with the help of
hypnosis has been around for a very long time. People used it instinctively
for many years. It is only a question of being so relaxed that the birthing process can take its course easily and effortlessly. The couple can experience
a peaceful, natural and very fulfilling experience in welcoming their
child into this world.
hypnosis as a supplemental tool will only help you to be focused and minimize
the discomfort of birth, but you can group this tool with all the natural
methods like massages, going in water, alternating positions
They are compatible and complementary.
You can find my powerful hypnosis for childbirth program at my other site: My program has helped many new parents experience a calm,very comfortable (sometimes painless!) childbirth by using the self-hypnosis techniques they learned in my program.

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